
InspectAds: Summary and Explanation


The Inspect Groups Protocol aims to transform the creation, management, and monetization of online communities by leveraging blockchain technology. Inspired by Facebook Groups, Inspect Groups allows users to establish decentralized, permissionless online communities that generate revenue for both group owners and the protocol itself.

Core Features:

  1. Group Creation: Users can mint a smart contract to create a group, representing ownership and governance. This process involves a group minting fee, providing revenue for the protocol.

  2. Invitations and Sub-Communities: Group owners can invite members to join and establish sub-communities, fostering diverse discussions within the broader community.

  3. Monetization Model: The protocol offers two monetization options for group owners:

    a. Monthly Subscription Fee: Owners can charge a monthly fee for membership access, with the protocol taking a 30% commission on subscription revenue, allocated to the DAO protocol treasury.

    b. Free Group: Owners can create free groups to attract a larger audience and potentially increase the group's value.

  4. Permissionless Trading: As groups are minted on the blockchain, ownership can be traded without centralized authority.

  5. DAO Protocol Treasury: The DAO protocol treasury stores revenue from group minting fees and subscription commissions, supporting the development and maintenance of the Inspect Groups platform.


  • Decentralization: Inspect Groups Protocol offers a decentralized alternative to traditional online communities, empowering users with greater control and ownership.

  • Revenue Generation: Group owners can monetize communities through subscription fees or trading ownership, creating new income streams.

  • Incentive Alignment: The revenue-sharing model incentivizes group owners and Inspect Groups platform to collaborate in growing and maintaining thriving communities.

  • Open Marketplace: Permissionless trading of group ownership fosters innovation and new opportunities for creators and users.

Use Cases and Applications for NFT and Crypto-related Communities:

  1. Crypto Trading Communities: Users can create groups dedicated to cryptocurrency trading, investment strategies, and market analysis, facilitating knowledge sharing and collaboration.

  2. NFT Fan Clubs: Artists, creators, and collectors can establish fan clubs to showcase collections, share exclusive content, and interact with fellow enthusiasts.

  3. Blockchain Education Groups: Blockchain experts, educators, and enthusiasts can create learning communities focused on blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized applications.

  4. DeFi Communities: Decentralized finance enthusiasts can establish groups dedicated to exploring and discussing DeFi platforms, protocols, and investment opportunities.

  5. Cryptocurrency Project Groups: Blockchain projects can create official communities to engage with supporters, share updates, and solicit feedback.

  6. NFT and Crypto Event Communities: Organizers of NFT and crypto-related events can create groups to promote events, coordinate logistics, and facilitate networking among attendees.

  7. NFT and Crypto Legal and Regulatory Groups: Legal and regulatory professionals can establish groups to discuss and analyze the evolving legal landscape surrounding NFTs and cryptocurrencies.

Future Developments and Roadmap:

  1. User Reputation System: Implement a reputation system to incentivize positive behavior and discourage negative actions within communities.

  2. Group Analytics: Develop advanced analytics and reporting tools for group owners to optimize content and increase engagement.

  3. Governance Mechanisms: Introduce decentralized governance to allow community participation in decision-making processes.

  4. Integration with Decentralized Identity Solutions: Improve user privacy, security, and trust within communities.

  5. Cross-Chain Interoperability: Explore cross-chain solutions to ensure seamless interaction between various blockchain ecosystems.

Strategic Partnerships and Ecosystem Development:

  1. Social Media Platforms: Collaborate with existing platforms to integrate Inspect Groups functionality.

  2. Decentralized Finance Integration: Partner with DeFi platforms to enable financial services within the Inspect Groups ecosystem.

  3. NFT Marketplaces: Integrate with NFT marketplaces to enable minting, trading, and showcasing of NFTs within Inspect Groups communities, further incentivizing user engagement and providing additional revenue streams for group owners.

  4. Content Creators and Influencers: Engage with content creators and influencers to promote the adoption of Inspect Groups and create high-quality, exclusive communities within the platform.

  5. Third-Party Developers: Establish a developer ecosystem to encourage the creation of third-party tools and applications tailored for the Inspect Groups protocol, enhancing user experience and driving platform innovation.

  6. Education and Awareness: Launch educational initiatives and marketing campaigns to raise awareness about the Inspect Groups platform, its features, and the benefits of decentralized communities.

  7. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Work with legal and regulatory experts to ensure that the Inspect Groups protocol complies with relevant laws and regulations, fostering trust and legitimacy within the platform.

By incorporating these strategic partnerships and ecosystem development initiatives, the Inspect Groups protocol aims to promote widespread adoption and ensure long-term success. As a result, users can experience a new era of online communities that combine the convenience and reach of traditional platforms with the security, decentralization, and monetization potential of blockchain technology.

Last updated